Experiment: Globular Stage Chalazal Endosperm

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Project Arabidopsis ATH1 Array
Ecotype/Cultivar Ws-0
Growth Conditions Plants were grown in a Conviron chamber under continuous light with fluorescent lamps at 20°C and 50% - 70% relative humidity.
Stage Globular Stage
Tissue Harvest & Preparation
Harvest Methods Siliques with length between 1.1 and 1.4 cm containing globular stage seeds were collected from 38-46 day old plants.
Fixation Method Ethanol_Acetic_Acid_Fixation.pdf
RNA Isolation & Amplification Methods
GeneChip Hybridization & Analysis Settings
Software GeneChip Operating System 1.4 (GCOS 1.4)
Hybridization Protocol Affy_GeneChip_Hybridization.pdf
Analysis Settings View settings
Report Files (.rpt text file)
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Accessions
Platform GPL198
Series GSE11262