Experiment: Cotyledon Stage Outer Integument

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Project Soybean Array
Ecotype/Cultivar Asgrow A3237
Growth Conditions Soybean plants were grown at the UCLA Plant Growth Center with a 16:8 day:night cycle at 22°C.
Stage Cotyledon Stage
Tissue Harvest & Preparation
Harvest Methods Seeds containing cotyledon-stage embryo were harvested approximately 15 days after fertilization (DAF).
Fixation Method Ethanol_Acetic_Acid_Fixation.pdf
RNA Isolation & Amplification Methods
GeneChip Hybridization & Analysis Settings
Software GeneChip Operating System 1.3 (GCOS 1.3)
Hybridization Protocol Affy_GeneChip_Hybridization.pdf
Analysis Settings View settings
Report Files (.rpt text file)
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Accessions
Platform GPL4592
Series GSE7881