################## # SOYBEABN # Procedure was performed in UCLA ################## >> Harvesting Seeds Soybean (Glycine max cv. Asgrow A3237) were grown in the UCLA Plant Growth Center with a 16:8 light-dark cycle at 22C. A linear correlation was observed between early developmental stages (globular to heart stage) and the size of soybean pods. Independent pod replicates at appropriate developmental stages were collected during the morning and the seeds were staged by viewing fixed sections of whole mount embryos using light microscopy. To increase precision in our measurements the petioles were not included. Pods were placed immediately on ice and carried to the lab after collection. >> Seed Fixation and Embedding Seeds were dissected from pods no later than three hours after collection. A small excision was made on the chalazal end to allow fixative to penetrate seed tissues. After dissection, seeds were placed in a chilled solution of Acetic acid-Ethanol (3:1). Fixation was performed until the following day at 4C. Seeds were dehydrated with a series of ethanol solutions with increasing concentration (75%, 85%, 95%, 3x 100%) for a minimum of 3 hours each. Seeds were then infiltrated with different xylene dilutions (in ethanol) (25%, 50%, 75%, 3x100%) for a similar period of time. Finally, seeds were incubated approximately 9-10 times with melted paraffin at 60C for a minimum of 3 hours, embedded with paraffin in foil boats, and kept at 4C until further use. >> Seed Sectioning Soybean seed paraffin sections of 6 um and 8 um were generated using a Reichert-Jung 820-II microtome. The paraffin ribbons were visualized using a compound microscope with a 10x magnification, and only ribbons containing visible embryos were placed on PEN-Foil slides. The slides were kept on a slide warmer at 45C for approximately 24 hours, and then kept in a slide holder at room temperature to minimize exposure to humidity. A range of 5 to 8 slides per replicate was generated. >> LCM The PEN-Foil slides containing the paraffin sections were treated with xylene solution in order to melt the paraffin. Two incubations of two minutes each were performed in the fume hood, where the slides were kept at room temperature until the following day. The slides were then placed back in the slide holder and stored as previously mentioned in the Seed Sectioning section. The slides were used within two months of the xylene treatment. We used either the Leica AS LMD or LMD6000 system to capture the different seed regions. Only sections containing a full embryo (i.e. embryo proper and suspensor) were captured and used for gene expression analysis. For each slide, the sections meeting this criterion were selected, a picture of the region to be captured was taken, the region was captured by LCM, and a final picture was taken documenting the captured area. Captured material was collected on a 0.5 ml eppendorf tube cap containing 30 ul of the extraction buffer from the Arcturus PicoPure RNA isolation kit. After collecting all samples from a particular seed region on a slide, the tube containing the captured material was stored at room temperature until the end of the LCM session. Another tube was placed in the rack and a different seed region was captured from exactly the same sections that were used previously. At the end of the session, tubes containing the collected material were placed at -80C until further use. As an example, one of the replicates with five slides contained 245 sections, but only 143 contained a full embryo from where the seed regions were captured. These 143 sections represented 36 seeds.